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Three Ways to Help Manage School and Athletics

Three Ways to Help Manage School and Athletics

Ronan Brew

BSM student buckling down to homework.

The BSM Junior High is a demanding school that employs both a great variety of extracurricular activities and a sometimes staggering amount of homework. While many people focus on one or the other, it is indeed possible to excel in both of these difficult jobs. The day is only twenty-four hours, and it is indeed impossible to compete in a hockey game, attend soccer practice, and then expect to get your history paper done for tomorrow, not to mention that math quiz that you could not study for last night because of the Wild game you got tickets for. While the tips in this article may not work for everyone, they might help you manage the many everyday tasks you face.

I’m sure you have been given this advice by by your doctor, your mom, your teachers, and everyone that you have talked to about school before, but it is essential that you get eight to ten hours of sleep every night. Trust me, getting thirty more minutes of sleep can really help out when you get to sixth hour and beyond. It is all like a chain reaction or a domino effect. If ou get nine hours of sleep, you can cope through the whole day. If you cope through the whole day, homework will become easier. When homework becomes easier, it becomes faster to deal with. When it gets faster to deal with, you can get to the playoff game that night and be at your full strength.

Your laptop is your number one tool to help you get organized.

Ronan Brew
Your laptop is your number one tool to help you get organized.

My second tip is one that you always say that you will do at some point but never get around to: getting organized. It is much easier to study for a science test when your notes are in an organized state right where you want them. When you have a homework assignment that you are not sure about (i.e., what pages to do, when is it due, etc.), it would have been a lot easier to figure it out by using that assignment notebook that you got in the beginning of the year, right? By staying on top of things, it is a million times easier to keep your head above water, rather than having to retake that science test after school because you didn’t study on the same day you have an immediate hockey practice. Do you see what I mean? By staying organized, homework and studying may get easier to handle. So the next time you take notes in science, make sure to make neat columns and hold on to it.

My third and final way to make school and athletics easier is not to stress out over both sports and grades. No one is perfect, and being a perfectionist might make things worse. In my own experiences, when I am trying way too hard at something, I usually fail at it or just mess up with silly mistakes. It doesn’t matter if you got five out of six on a pop quiz; that won’t affect your long-term grade. Once I started to ease up and focus on tasks more generally and not striving to do things perfectly, I got better grades. While this tip is rather self-explanatory, it is still very helpful to do.

While these tips may not work for everyone, I encourage you to try them. I hope that these ideas will help to make your BSM experience a better one.

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